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The Enemy Came Down My Block

This week has been such a trying week. The devil has been busy and I would be lying to you if I said it wasn’t affecting me. I am a person who likes to give my 100% self to everything that I do and I pride myself on the ability to wear various hats well. However, this week I have not been able to stick to my typical “A game”. The enemy came down my block and I allowed him to stay for a little too long.  Because of this, my week has been slightly off or should I say, I have been slightly off. I haven’t felt like my normal self and I could feel it in my whole body, mind and spirit. At one point, I started beating myself up for things that were out of my control and started giving myself pep talks that sounded more like criticism that wasn’t the least bit constructive. I found myself in a space that wasn’t conducive to my well being- a space where I made more room for negative thoughts and negative-self talk and less room for positivity. The enemy (my negative thoughts) whispered in my ear “How could you do this to yourself?” “Why did you make this mistake?”I thought you were great, HA!”  “I thought you had it under control future psychologist”misses “Spiritually woke”, “misses wear many hats well” , “misses over-achiever” , “ I thought you knew how to handle challenges without becoming overly emotional when things don’t go as planned, “ I thought you knew…  Guess, not… right?” At first I believed this to be true and then I had to stop, think and pray. “God, what’s wrong with me? , then I had to stop the prayer and realize who I was praying to. “God, before I ask for anything, I thank you for everything... I am struggling this week and I don’t know why, its uncomfortable and I don’t like it, I need you- help me please”. I found myself on the verge of tears, so many bottled up emotions ready to spill out because I was finally alone and comfortable enough to take off all of the many hats and just be free. I continued to pray and talk to God and I put all my worries, troubles, stressors, and confusion on the table and though the discomfort lessened,  I still felt discomfort. However, I realized that I had to sit with the discomfort and not run from it. When I sat with the discomfort and unpacked all that it came with, I realized that much of the discomfort was created by the enemy- my own thoughts/self talk. I realized that in order to beat the enemy you had to face it but also know when to walk away from it. I realized that if I allowed the enemy to stay on my block too long, we could potentially enter a danger zone. The thing about a danger zone is once you enter it, it’s hard to get out. So instead of entering, I decided to turn around. I decided to check out of my negative thoughts so I could check back into my positive thoughts and renter in the safe zone. Once I traveled back to the safe zone, I felt a breath of fresh air, a weight off of my shoulders, a reality check. Your mind is the most powerful tool that you are given. Your thoughts can make or break you. In order to utilize your power, which is your birth given right, you must create a positive relationship with the way you think and speak to self. Proverbs 18:21 (NAS) “Death and life are in the power of the tongue, And those who love it will eat its fruit.” When we speak to ourselves with love we are able to spread love and reap love. When we speak to ourselves with hate we spread hate and reap hate. The next time the enemy comes down your block, let it know that there’s no space for anything that doesn’t represent love. Th

ere’s no space for anything that doesn’t represent you.#mindovermatter #positiveselftalk #enemyisntallowed #loveoverhate

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